The Priesthood Motorcycle Ministry
The Priesthood was started in 2002 by Pastor Garland Thomas of New Life Worship Center
and Associate Pastor Frank Haven. Their Combined vision to reach bikers and all motorcycle
enthusiasts birthed this ministry and continues to fuel its development around our Great Nation.
The Priesthood Motorcycle Ministry was organized exclusively for religious, charitable and
educational purposes. These purposes include, but are not limited to:
• The proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to motorcyclists.
• The training of believers in methods of evangelism to reach motorcyclists with the Gospel.
• Providing opportunities for fellowship and spiritual encouragement for motorcyclists.

We are the fruit of His Sufferings.
The Crown of Thorns was placed on our Lord’s head to mock His earthly kingdom. That same crown pointed to a day when He will reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Three Nails speak of our sins that were nailed to the cross. As the nails were driven, our freedom from all that binds us was being paid.
The Twelve Blood Tipped Thorns represent His apostolic government, to which there is no end.
The NLWC means No Life Without Christ and / or New Life With Christ to be used as a witnessing tool.
We Wear These Colors To His Glory
The local chapter in Killeen is The Hood Chapter.
If you are interested in joining or would like more information,
please contact the Hood Chapter President,
Alex "Bones" Morales